1999 Suzuki Carry 4WD for Zimbabwe to Durban-Ref No:19621AAN5

Ref No:    19621AAN5
Year:    1999
Make:    SUZUKI
Name:    CARRY 4WD
Engine Size:    660cc
Gear:    5MT
Fuel:    Petrol
Door:    2
Seats:    2
Chassis:    DB52T-102324
Model No.:    GD-DB52T
Color:    WHITE
Drive Type:    4WD
EngineType    F6A
Mileaged    115,000km
Accessoriesd    Cassette player,
Door mirror,Power steering
Car cost:US$2,040.-
-Discount: US$200.-OFF
Marine Insurance:US$60.-

The best total price is CIF(Dar es salaam):US$2,800.-

Please send the order from to me now!! e-mail:ORDER FORM

If you have any questions, please contact me!shiro@autorec.co.jp