2001 Nissan Atlas - Ref No:19591A8N5 to Dar es salaam for Zambia/Zimbabwe

Ref No:    19591A8N5
Year:    Aug, 2001
Make:    NISSAN
Name:    ATLAS 1.5TON
Engine Size:    3,200cc
Gear:    AT
Fuel:    Diesel
Door:    2
Seats:    3
Chassis:    R4F23-025491
Model No.:    KG-SR4F23
Color:    WHITE
EngineType    QD32
Mileaged    225,000km
F-Tyre Size    F:175/80R15X1
R-Tyre Size    R:155R12X2
Accessoriesd    Air conditioner,Door mirror,
Fog lumps,Power steering
Car cost: US$4,760.-
-Discount: US$200.-off
Freight: US$1,280.-
Marine insurance: US$120.-

Best discount price is CIF(Dar es salaam):US$5,960.-

Please send the order from to me now!! e-mail:ORDER FORM

If you have any questions, please contact me!shiro@autorec.co.jp